K.L.E Society's


As on 20/07/2022
Sl. NoHeadsNo. of Books ValueValue
1 Book Bank 5159 5,03,182.50
2 General Book Section (Reference) 50832,61,120.11
3 UGC Book Bank 2766 4,33,293.80
4 UGC General (Reference) 669 4,63,569.00
5 M.Ed. Books 769 1,52,004.00
6 R 47 16,397. 00
7 Donated 860 -
8 Lingraj College Donated Books 458 -
9 Complimentary 105 -
TOTAL 15,916 18,29,566.41

Total No. of Text Books, Reference Books and Journals from 2016-2021

Text Books Reference Books Journals
Year Books Value Books Value No. of Added Value
2016-17 802 1,52,343 75 11438 13 15,750
2017-18 801 1,15,791 8 2030 618,920
2018-19 117 14190 13 2299 1 500
2019-20 253 36416 - - 4 7200
2020-21 225 33,883 - - 5 13,782
2021-22 213 33,127 15 1798 7 28,000

E- Journal Subscription for the year 2020-21

Details of memberships Details of subscriptions
N-LIST N-LIST Database through INFLIBNET DD No. 126507 Dated 05/11/2020 Rs. 5900/-
N-LIST N-LIST Database through INFLIBNET DD No. 126580 Dated 04/07/2021 Rs. 5900/-
N-LIST N-LIST Database through INFLIBNET DD No. 126700 Dated 06/04/2022 Rs. 5900/-

Total No. of Journals
  1. Indian Journal of Teacher Education(NCTE)
  2. Teacher Support (NCTE)
  3. Indian Educational Review(NCERT)
  4. Journal Indian Education(NCERT)
  5. International Journal of Advanced Education and Research
  6. Dimension of Education
  7. Shikashan Soudh
  8. Edutracks
  9. Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education
  10. Journal of Education & Psychological Research
  11. University News
  12. Yozana
  13. Kurukshetra
  14. Bal Vijnayana
  15. Vivek Prabha
  16. Indian Academy of Science “Resonance”
  17. Current Science Association
  18. International Journals of Multidisciplinary Education and Research
  19. International Journal of Literary and Education
  20. Plants and Environment
  21. Journal of Community and Guidance and Research

Total No. of Government Publication Books

NCTE Publication Books List:
  1. 1. Swami Vivekananda and Education
  2. 2. The Mother on Education
  3. 3. Shree Maa Ka Shiksha Darshan
  4. 4. Shree Aurobindo on Education
  5. 5. National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCTE 2009)
  6. 6. Environmental Education
  7. 7. Conceptual Inputs for Secondary Teacher Education
  8. 8. Policy Perspectives in Teacher Education
  9. 9. Gazetteer of India

Total No. of Government Publication Journals
  1. Indian Journal of Teacher Education(NCTE)
  2. Teacher Support (NCTE)
  3. Indian Educational Review(NCERT)
  4. Journal Indian Education(NCERT)
  5. Yozana
  6. Kurukshetra
  7. Bal Vijnayana

Head Wise Library Book Information 2016-2021

Dated: 20/07/2022
Sl.No Year Book Bank Accession General Accession UGC Book Bank UGC General M.Ed Books
Books Amount Books Amount Books Amount Books Amount Books Amount
1 2016-17 393 44,439 26 2,598 409 1,07,904 49 8,840 - -
2 2017-18 360 49,044 8 2030 394 66,352 - - 47 5,475
3 2018-19 70 8,235 13 2299 - - - - 47 5,955
4 2019-20 238 32,591.50 - - - - - - 15 3,825
5 2020-21 185 25,762 - - - - - - 40 8,121
6 2021-22 213 33,127 15 1798 - - - - 122 18299
7 2022-23** 95 15,664 63 17,306.25 - - - - - -


Karnataka University, Dharwad.
Department of Collegiate Education
State Scholarship Portal (NSP)


The Principal
K.L.E.Society's College of Education
Vidyanagar Hubli -31
Ph No.(0836) 2372901

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